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Special Event

Empowered with Breathwork

Level 1

5 day Introductory Breathwork Course for Beginners

Begin your journey into Breathwork with this 5-day challenge

Next Event   Friday May 19th, 2023
Donation-based. Suggested donation 10 €
Part of the donations go to SUYUM-helping street kids  (pm me, if you want more info on this project.)

Thank you for joining us. You will receive an email soon, check in box, junk and spam 

While the event is free, if so inclined, a small donation helps support my work - Thank you

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contact for other payment options

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What is Breathwork?

Breathwork is a simple and powerful ancient technique, used to harmonize and heighten your physical, mental and emotional state.  It's simplicity makes it’s accessible to anyone. Once you’ve learned the techniques it is your first aid tool to use any time.


In yogic philosophy, the practice of directing your breath is called Pranayama. Prana means life force (which is sustained by breathing),  while Yama means to control. By practicing Pranayama breathing exercises, you can increase your life force and let it nourish and sustain your entire body.  The act of conscious and directed breathing activates your parasympathetic nervous system bringing about numerous benefits to your body and mind.  Let's explore the power of your breath!

What does the 5 day breathwork program cover?

Rock Balancing

This is an introductory course and is ideal for someone who has never practiced breathwork, or someone looking for a refresher into breathwork, or those looking to complement their Asana ( yoga ) practice. It is offered over 5 consecutive days and each day will cover one aspect of the breathwork practices and on the 5th day, you will have a direct experience on the potential of your breath. 


Guided meditation to become body aware with your breath, engage the diaphragm, opening the channels of the energy network, sync the breath to a rhythm. 


Guided breath practice. Triangle breath is a pure practice. You do the breath, you experience it. You do not need to rely on claims of authority. This is a very powerful breath. It is the breath you were born with –also known as the  Embryonic breath.  



Ujjayi, means victorious, in this case, victorious over your own composure.  In this practice, we focus our awareness to where the breath goes as it enters the body. Inhale, Exhale through the nose. There is an audible sound from the back of the throat.


This breath practice is very energizing. It is said to help purify the mind and clear energy blocks. As this breath immediately boosts your energy while removing toxins, it is becoming very popular given the current pandemic climate. It is a process of rapid inhalation and exhalation –hence the name. This increases the blood flow to every part of the body, increasing the vitality of all the organs and tissues and boosting your immunity.



This is a culmination of the practices we have explored so far. When you take the breath practice from doing the breath to allowing the breath to emerge with its own  rhythm and  become the witness to the process– TRANSFORMATION HAPPENS at a deep  CELLULAR LEVEL

Buddha Statue

Benefits of Breathwork

  • Let go of anxiety, stress, anger, depression, grief

  • Manage chronic pain

  • Process emotions, heal emotional pain and trauma

  • Cultivate self-love and trust to begin opening your heart to others

  • Develop life skills and increase self-awareness.

  • Get unstuck and find the way to move forward

  • Enrich creativity and discover your inner self

  • Improvement in a sense of calm and overall well being

How does the program work?

  • Instruction and guided practice will be delivered via pre-recorded video the night before for the duration of 5 days

  • Upon signing you will receive a welcome email from, Please remember to check your spam/junk folder and click reply. So that we are in contact. 

  • You have 24 hours to complete the practice on that video

  • The Set aside 20 minutes for this daily practice for those 5 days 

  • For clarification and other questions, you can email or via Facebook

  • Register for a special event or monthly program


COST:  Special Event Donation based

DATES: One challenge week per month, ongoing

As soon as you sign up, we will send you an email with everything you need to prepare for this challenge

Gift Wrapped

Energy Exchange

I truly believe you will greatly benefit from this workshop and this is my offering to you. In exchange, I would like your feedback on your experience and a small donation to the service. ( you will help support my work life) . I also value a sweet testimonial about the program, that’d be super helpful for me, to reach even more people and change even more lives, which would be awesome!  MoonLOve.

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Program Considerations & Safety

Breathwork has the potential to cause intense physical and emotional feelings to the surface as the body releases stuck energy.  For this reason, and also to optimize the effectiveness of breathwork, the following is recommended.   

  • Prepare a comfortable space where you can lie down ( optional) and listen to the instructions.

  • Make sure you are not on a full stomach.

  • After the session, take time to relax or meditate and drink lots of water.  

  • If you have a chronic medical condition such as cardiovascular or heart issues, pregnant, history of panic attacks, mental illness, please seek medical advice before you start any Breathwork program.   

  • As a participant, you acknowledge that this is a wellness event.


May we all find abundance and presence in the moment.


Love & Blessings,


Priyanka Moonbeam

Your Soul Coach,

Breathworker, Yogini


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